Things to do before you move in
Caring for people

Things to do before you move in

Once you or a loved one has decided on their care home, like with any house move, there are a number of things that need doing.

Your rent

If you rent your current home you will need to give your landlord notice to end your tenancy. The amount of notice you need to give will be set out in your tenancy agreement.


You need to tell the Department for Work and Pensions that you have moved

Council tax

You will need to inform the department you currently pay your council tax to that you are moving, the date of the move and your new address.


You will need to tell your gas, electricity, telephone / internet and water companies that you are moving so they can stop the payments from the date you move.

Financial Institutions

You will also need to let your bank, building society and other financial institutions such as insurance companies, pension and savings companies of your move.

If someone else, such as family member will be doing this on your behalf, you will need to contact the company or department first as you may need to give authorisation for someone to act on your behalf.

Your personal belongings

Depending on what personal belongings you are able to bring with you, make sure they are organised and come with you on the move. Being surrounded by items that are familiar, personal and loved by you is an important factor in settling into your new surroundings.

Your pets

If you are unable to bring a loved pet with you, entrust a friend or relative to re-home them ideally before you move so you can be happy that they have settled into their new surroundings. If this is not possible there are local animal charities who can provide a re-homing service.